Choose You. Join me for a 15 Day Challenge.
/I was worn out after months of putting everyone else in my life first. I was overbooked but didn't want to turn anyone down. I’d been delinquent in working out. My eating was atrocious. Everyone was annoying me. I was unhappy with myself emotionally and physically. I knew if I didn’t do something I’d just get deeper into this funk until spring came.
I decided to choose myself for one month.
In January, I did something for myself every day. I said I wouldn’t cheat on myself, and when I did, I didn’t beat myself up about it. I stood up for myself. I said “no” to things. I asked for help. I raised my expectations of my family and others. I let things go. I chose me.
Choosing Me got easier, especially as I began to see and feel the results. Physically I had more energy, I felt stronger, and I avoided illness. Emotionally I was less irritable, had more patience, complained less and liked myself more.
My family didn’t fall apart. They understood that I would be working out on the weekends and for those two hours they’d have to fend for themselves. They accepted that I wasn’t going to do laundry every day, and they’d have to wait until Fridays or do it themselves. I scheduled my annual girls weekend trip with my college friends, and I did it without guilt. To my amazement, they started to choose themselves too. They are more independent, doing things for themselves and problem solving. They are asking for help instead of complaining.
So I kept it going, continuing to Choose Me. It’s not always easy, because habits are hard to break, but practice makes perfect.
I want you to feel what I feel. I want you to Choose You. So I’m asking you to join me in a 15 day Choose You Challenge. From March 16-31, I want you to do one thing for yourself every day. Maybe that’s taking a yoga class, meeting a girlfriend for coffee, relaxing with a good book for an hour, or anything that will truly make you feel good. Whatever Choose You looks like to you, do it for 15 days in a row. I promise you will feel a positive change.
Spring is almost here. Let’s get through these last couple of weeks together, encouraging each other and being kind to ourselves. You cannot be there for everyone else in your life if you don’t take care of yourself first. It’s not easy but let’s practice this together. We’re going to ease into this, and in April we will reflect and then kick things into high gear with a month to Choose Confidence- but more on that in a few weeks. Let’s focus on the next 15 days to Choose You!
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Use this free printable calendar to track your days. Circle every day that you Choose You. I use a hot pink highlighter to mark every day I do something for myself and hang it in my office where I can be reminded every day of my progress. Click the image to print your calendar for free and get started.