Summer Wrap Up


IMG_6818No matter how much I protest, summer is coming to an end. Normally by this time I am so ready for my kids to go back to school, craving our routine, and excited to have time to myself to work uninterrupted. But not this year. The difference is that I decided back in June to put my family first for the summer. Ambition was set aside and I had to say no to a lot. It made every moment with my boys that much sweeter, that much more enjoyable, and that much more meaningful. Here are some of my favorite moments: My son's smiling face after pitching a no hitter for his All Star team.

My summer swim segment on Bridge Street.

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Travelling to Ottawa for baseball and taking in the sights of the city.

In awe of my youngest who tried something new and loved every minute.

Summer days and nights at the baseball field.

Lots of fun segments on Bridge Street this summer.

Can't forget being stung by bees on my weekly run. It's always an adventure.

Pitched the District 8 Championship game and slept with the trophy.

Finall got some beach time in.

Summer love is the best kind.

Short hair. Don't care. A short easy cut for summer.

Catching these priceless moments.

When they go back to school and my house is quiet, I will choose to focus on my business and my work and my clients. And that will be sweeter too. I truly hope you enjoyed your summer. That you lived in the moment. That you took it all in. That you took deep breaths and really savored your time. That you chose to be present. Now bring on the rest of 2016.

Looking forward to getting back to my clients and my work which I love.