I am a Work In Progress


workinprogressimageKnow the proverb about the shoemaker’s children going barefoot? That’s me. So despite my insights on this blog and advice on Bridge  Street, I’m still feeling pretty unorganized in the wardrobe department.  It’s not just the seasons that are transitioning, but my life is too. In a few weeks I go from being a professional with regular office hours to working from home and hanging with my kids for the summer. My wardrobe needs to adjust, and I’m not feeling inspired about it. I’m at the point that I talked about on Bridge Street where I go to my closet and feel like I have nothing to wear, so I grab my old standard jeans and tee and feel so-so about it. I know better. I KNOW THAT’S NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE! But just like everyone else, I got so busy with life and stuff that I let it go and now it will take a bit of effort to get organized. So I’m challenging myself to walk the walk- not just talk the talk. Over the next few weeks I’m going to go through my Wardrobe 101 steps and document everything. And if I can do it, so can you. Do you feel like I do? Have you been thinking about doing this but have been putting it off? There is no better time than now! Follow along the next few weeks and let’s do this together.

FullSizeRenderThis week I’ve be purging my closet of items that don’t fit properly, are damaged beyond repair, or are out of season or out of style. Since I haven’t had a large chunk of time to do this, I’ve been doing it little by little, like when I put the clean laundry away or when I’m getting dressed in the morning and put on something I hate-I just made a donate and a toss pile in my closet. At the end of the week, I brought a big bag to the Rescue Mission. (I even inspired my husband to do the same thing with his closet!) I have very little time lately to flip through my fashion magazines, so when I see something I like online I pin it on Pinterest- takes a few seconds and in a few weeks when I get more time to look back at what I’ve pinned  I will be able to figure out what my personal style will be for the season. If you don’t already, start a Pinterest account for yourself and make a Spring/Summer 2015 board, just like mine.

littleatatimeimageI’m not going to beat myself up about it- this happens to everyone. That’s what The Small Town Stylist is all about- helping women (myself included) to be the best version of themselves and have their wardrobe and image express who they truly are to the world.  So let’s get started!

Be sure to keep me updated on your progress by commenting below, sending me a message on Facebook or posting pictures on Instagram with the hashtag #thesmalltownstylist.